Not sure what an insurance word means?
Can't understand our industry's Weird & Complex LINGO?
Below we have provided a compiled glossary/dictionary that is based on the most typical and common Insurance Terms & Definitions used in the industry. Please be advised that any Coverages and/or Benefits listed below may not be available in your state and could be subject to actual policy language. Some coverages and/or benefits might be offered at an additional cost if they are available and applicable to your specific policy.
If you need better clarification or a few examples of the definitions/benefits, please feel free to contact one of our knowledgeable independent agents at Reliable Insurance who are always eager and happy to speak to you about anything insurance related! We Hablamos Insurance!
An annuity with two annuitants, usually spouses. Payments continue until the death of the longest living of the two.
Insurers which join together to provide coverage for a particular type of risk or size of exposure, when there are difficulties in obtaining coverage in the regular market, and which share in the profits and losses associated with the program. JUAs may be set up to provide auto and homeowners insurance and various commercial coverages, such as medical malpractice
Corporate bonds with credit ratings of BB or less. They pay a higher yield than investment grade bonds because issuers have a higher perceived risk of default. Such bonds involve market risk that could force investors, including insurers, to sell the bonds when their value is low. Most states place limits on insurers’ investments in these bonds. In general, because property/casualty insurers can be called upon to provide huge sums of money immediately after a disaster, their investments must be liquid. Less than 2 percent are in real estate and a similarly small percentage are in junk bonds.